Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Changes That Could Save You Money

Finding a prescription drug plan that meets your budget and needs is especially important during this year’s Medicare Open Enrollment -- which takes place between Oct. 15 and Dec. 7, 2020.
Finding a prescription drug plan that meets your budget and needs is especially important during this year’s Medicare Open Enrollment -- which takes place between Oct. 15 and Dec. 7, 2020.
As the COVID-19 pandemic persists, it’s critical that seniors continue to stay healthy by managing chronic conditions. That starts with taking medications as prescribed. Having an affordable, reliable prescription drug plan, also known as Medicare Part D, helps ensure that happens.
For example, for people who need insulin to manage their diabetes, adhering to their medication regimen may help prevent vision loss, kidney failure, amputations and heart attacks.
Some insurance providers are taking steps to help Medicare customers manage their diabetes with predictable, affordable copays. As a result, you can expect to see expanded options this year using what Medicare has established as a Part D Senior Savings Model. For example, Express Scripts is offering two Part D prescription drug plans that follow this Model.
Both plans have no deductibles and consistent copayments for select insulin drugs in all stages of Part D coverage up to the Catastrophic Coverage Stage (beneficiaries who receive ‘Extra Help’ do not qualify for this program). That means a plan member would have the peace of mind of paying the same low, affordable copay on their insulin medication from their first medication fill all the way through the end of what is known as the Coverage Gap.
Here is a little bit about what these plans offer:
- The Saver plan provides members with a $0 deductible for select insulin drugs while getting low copays. From the Initial Coverage Stage through the Coverage Gap, members will be responsible for a consistent copay on the cost of these select insulin drugs: $105 at a preferred home delivery pharmacy for a 90-day supply and $35 for a 30-day supply at all in-network retail pharmacies.
- The Choice plan provides a $0 deductible for select insulin drugs with $0 copays at preferred home delivery and preferred retail pharmacies ($0 deductible and $11 copays at standard retail pharmacies). If a member goes into the Coverage Gap, they will continue to pay $0 for a 90-day supply with preferred home delivery, $0 for a 30-day supply at a preferred retail pharmacy or $11 at a standard retail pharmacy.
As a reminder, home delivery is a good option to avoid potential exposure to COVID-19, as drugs are conveniently and safely delivered to your door. This is also true of temperature-controlled medications, which are delivered in special packaging.
To compare plans virtually, visit
Whether you take medication every day or every now and then, it is especially important to understand your Part D options in these uncertain times. Having the right drug coverage can help you adhere to your medication regimen affordably, so you can better manage chronic conditions and stay healthy all year.
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