Wednesday, 15 January 2025


Danbury COVID-19 Announcements, Updates and Resources

As of December 03, the City of Danbury reported 103 new cases of COVID-19 and is currently deemed to be in the RED zone by the State of Connecticut. City officials continue to urge the public to take preventative measures. Wear a mask. Practice social distancing. Wash your hands frequently. Here are some COVID-19 related announcements, updates and resources available in the city of Danbury.

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Parents Make a Difference

We are adjusting to our new normal during the coronavirus pandemic. Prevention and taking care of ourselves have never been more important. As parents, we often measure our value by being able to fix things for our kids. We can’t fix this situation. This can be incredibly frustrating and paralyzing. We can however, recognize and focus on what we can control.

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Staying Safe Online this Holiday Season

As we enter the ninth month of the current pandemic, we are learning to live with new realities. We are careful to take care of the ones we love by following health and safety guidelines, at the same time figuring out how to keep our family connections strong during the upcoming holidays. Finding a way to keep traditions alive while being safe is more important than ever as we move into cold weather. Whether we celebrate in person – with proper distancing and masks - or virtually, we will still probably be shopping for gifts for our loved ones.

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The Courage to Accept Our Imperfections

“I still have time” “I’ll do it later” Those are two sentences that should be familiar to anyone hiding behind perfectionism. Let’s decipher them. They actually mean: “I don’t feel I’m capable of doing it masterfully, so I’ll just postpone it until the very last minute” and “I don’t want to do it at all. Is ‘never’ a possibility?” Procrastination leads to a sense of panic and paralysis. It is a cycle all too familiar for perfectionists. During quarantine, we might feel a sense of trying to have everything in order - or as much as we can inside our homes - to regain a sense of control that has been lost due to unforeseen circumstances. It is an understandable reaction.

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Playing your part in keeping Danbury’s COVID cases low: What you can do and expect

Danbury Public Schools expected to open on Monday, October 26. Instead, new data showed a sharp increase in the number of positive cases in Danbury. A late dataset released on Friday (10/30) gave the leadership team pause when it was confirmed that there were 96 new COVID-19 cases over the most recent three days. As they were in the process of discussing the implications of these new data, they were also concerned about a continued upward trend anticipated over the weekend and having to make a last-minute call on Sunday evening or Monday morning. Furthermore, by Friday afternoon, Danbury Schools had 17 staff members who needed to be quarantined.

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